Clubs and Organizations
Anime Club - this club brings all the anime (a style of Japanese comic book and video cartoon animation in which the main characters have large doe-like eyes) fans together to watch and discuss anime, read manga and learn about the Japanese culture.
- Asian American Culture Club – In this club we will learn about and celebrate Asian American culture. We will also discuss history and important issues involving the Asian American community.
- Black Student Union- In this club we will learn about and celebrate Black culture. We will also discuss history and important issues involving the Black community.
Book Club – If you love reading, you will love our club. Students will select different books to read and discuss together.
Campus Ministry - Eucharistic Ministers distribute communion at the school liturgies. They also assist in the organization of prayer and meditation services held during the school year.
Careers in Science and Healthcare- If you hope to one day work in these fields, this is the club for you. We will discuss different paths you can take to achieve your goals!
- Chess – No experience necessary! Come learn to play Chess, and maybe even set up some friendly tournaments!
Chorus - directed by Ms. Lin, this elective course meets every Tuesday and Thursday in order to develop vocal technique, acquire better musicianship, and to collaborate in group learning. They perform several concerts a year and are invited to sing in venues outside of school.
- Cooking and Baking Club-Join us for some virtual cooking and baking lessons! We will start with teachers leading the demonstrations, but by the Spring we hope to have students leading as well!
Debate Team - Our debates focus on topics related to current events, values, morals, and philosophical issues.
- Falcons-For-Falcons Club- In this club, we will provide a support system for one another as we face the challenges of balancing school work with all of our other responsibilities. We will make a special effort to connect Juniors and Seniors with Freshmen and Sophomores so that we can foster friendships with students in different grade levels. This club celebrates our Ferrer Family!
Ferrer for Life Club- strives to promote the values of the Pro-Life movement. At our meetings we discuss various issues in light of the Catholic Church's "consistent ethic of life". We are also involved with the Sister of Life order.
- Finer Things Club-Join us and enjoy the “finer things.” We will read short books or essays on various topics and discuss them over tea. Topics will include art, music, history, and philosophy. We hope to plan field trips in the Spring Semester.
French Club – Meets regularly to explore the culture of French and francophone countries. We go to movies, watch music videos, make crepes au Nutella, learn slang, go to museums, write to Pen Pals, dance the cancan, tell fortunes, and play games.
- Girls Who Code-Girls Who Code is a global organization that aims to close the gender gap in technology by offering coding curricula to girls. This is a supportive community where we will explore different coding languages like HTML, CSS, Python, and Swift.
Global Concerns - it would be hard to believe that because we are merely adolescent girls, we can do nothing to change the negative aspects in our own country and across the world. In our student community, girls have dedicated their time to making others aware of the atrocities in today's world and to finding ways to confront and alleviate suffering.
Guitar/Song Club - Led by Mr. Kennedy, these girls are an inspiration to those who enjoy singing, The club offers a variety of opportunities to share their joy for singing - whether in Church or at a school concert, they lead the school in joyous songs throughout the year.
Hand Bell Choir - an elective course taught by Ms.Lin where each student must learn proper ringing technique and develop their musical skills. Timing is everything! They perform several times a year and are frequently invited to preform outside of school.
Holiday Craft Club - meets a week before each holiday to create something festive and fun. They make candy-grams for various holiday s to raise money for important causes.
Irish Society – The club gives students an opportunity to learn about the culture of Ireland through song, music, and dance. The club sponsors the annual Irish Afternoon Tea where guests can enjoy pastries and desserts while taking in performances of traditional Irish entertainment by our students and faculty.
Knitting Club- In this club we work on our knitting skills, no previous experience is required. We meet once a week after school to work on special knitting projects, inlacing hats and scarves for the homeless, newborns, etc..
Latin American Heritage Club– In this club we will learn about and celebrate Latin American culture. We will also discuss history, and important issues involving the Latin American community.
- Marine Biology Club- In this club we will discuss the science of the ocean, interesting animals, the impact of the climate crisis, how humans use the ocean and more
Mary Club - the Rosary is prayed daily in our School Chapel at the end of the day and they help keep the faith throughout the school year.
MATRICS- Join us in celebrating all things Math, Trivia, and Computer Science related.
- Model UN Club- In this club, students will research important issues and simulate United Nations committees.
National Arts Honor Society - the SVF chapter of the national society was founded in 2011. Its purpose is the assist student members to attain their highest potential in all forms of visual art and maintain an overall good academic standing. Members participate in art-related community service, field trips and art projects. Approximately 25 members are inducted yearly.
National Honor Society - juniors and seniors are inducted in December. Approximately, 35 students are inducted yearly. Criteria for acceptance are:
Scholarship: Students who have a cumulative grade point average of 90%.
Service: Students must participate actively in service projects.
Leadership: Students must show leadership ability.
Character: The student of good character can be said to be one who upholds principles of morality and ethics; is cooperative and responsible; demonstrates high standards of honesty and reliability; shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others; and is a good citizen.
Peer Tutoring - tutors give of their time each day to assist their fellow students in various subjects. The strength of the program is a testimony to the spirit of charity and camaraderie of the student body.
- Philosophy Club–join with like-minded Ferrer students to explore the philosophy of Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, and others. No previous experience necessary
Photography Club - these students have a passion for sharing their unique perspectives. Students work with both digital and lens cameras on black-and-white, close-ups, landscapes, portraits, and fashion photography. Works are displayed on Opens in a new browser tab and at the Spring Arts Festival.
Rachel's Challenge - inspired by Rachel Scott from Colorado Columbine High School tragedy, the club helps spread acts of kindness and compassion. The club starts a chain reaction of support and unity throughout the school.
Rincón Latino Spanish Newspaper - The students spend their time learning about the Spanish culture and produce articles informing Ferrer students about happenings in the Spanish world.
Science and Technology Club- members meet after school each week to carry out experiments and contests in all area of the sciences. Their goal is to celebrate the marvels of science and spread enthusiasm for the sciences throughout the school community.
Student Council - each homeroom elects two representatives to suggest ideas that they feel will better the school. The council holds fundraisers and sponsors events such as Heritage Week, Spirit Week, Coffee House, Freshmen Welcome Events, Spring Fashion Show, Breast Cancer Awareness, Women Awareness events and various project to help our sister school Saint Joan of Arc in Abomey, Benin.
Theater - The girls who are part of the Theatre Club are talented, hard-working and hilarious. Mr. Beil is the senior producer of all the theater productions. He and the girls work hard all year round to create shows that satisfy our entertainment needs.
Trumpet Newspaper - St. Vincent Ferrer’s newspaper and the source of eagerly anticipated teacher interviews, sports reviews and poems. Run by English guru Mr.Mullaney, the girls publish the newspaper throughout the year informing the student community about different things going on in our school.
- Video Game Club- This club will meet on Friday afternoons to play various video games together! Come enjoy some fun competition with friends
Women In Business- This club is a platform for students considering the business world and its infinite possibilities for a professional career. We will meet every Wednesday.